Onderstaand bericht van Natalia spreekt boekdelen. Onze IW-leden hebben daar dringend onze financiële hulp nodig. Het zijn arme landen, die ontzettend veel vluchtelingen opvangen en niet terug kunnen vallen op een overheid die voorzieningen beschikbaar stelt.
Dear friends, I am Natalia Vavilina, now the Chairman of IW District 224 Romania-Moldova.
THIS IS WAR. And now everyone is suffering. Both Ukrainians and Russians living in Ukraine. My mother is Bulgarian, my father is Russian, my husband is Moldovan with Polish roots. I live in Moldova. We speak several languages. Should linguistic disagreements lead to hostilities and to the destruction of people who speak a different language? Thousands of refugees from Ukraine are now in Moldova. It is scary to look into the eyes of Ukrainian children frightened by explosions. Our people are doing everything possible to help them. God gave us the opportunity to do a good deed. On March 2, 2022, my dad was cremated in Minsk and strangers from Belarus helped me to do it, because I can’t go there because of the hostilities in Ukraine. And I received at home women with small children, members of the IW Chornomorsk club from Ukraine.
Now in Moldova is a very difficult situation. Rotar clubs have been very active in helping out. I hope our clubs can help too.
We really need your help.The number of refugees from Ukraine is huge. Our small country can’t cope. We are currently working on them as volunteers from our own funds. But there are few really rich people in our club. We give the last. We welcome people into our homes. We help those who want to leave. we are in dire need of financial support. Are Inner Wheell clubs in your country ready to support us financially?
Ukrainian customs releases only women and children. Men from 18 to 60 years old are not admitted. Those who do not have a car walk from the customs of Ukraine to the customs of Moldova, and this is several kilometers with bags, suitcases and children. Moldova, if you look at the map, is a very small country and probably the poorest in Europe. Moldova is now overflowing with refugees. There is no housing for them. They sleep on mattresses and folding beds in all sports halls of schools, sports complexes, exposition areas, boarding houses. Because of such a number of refugees, food in stores began to disappear. Gasoline is issued only by 10 liters. We are trying to help them. Who than can. It is very difficult. There are no rich women in our club. We are mostly teachers and lawyers. But in Moldova, the salary of a teacher and a lawyer is 10 times less than in European countries. It’s true , now I have already exhausted my possibilities and that is the only reason I turned to other clubs for help.
I really don’t like asking for help. But in this situation, I threw aside my pride. Our people give the last they have.
Many refugees do not have the means to travel to Europe and other countries and hope to return home. Therefore, we have a lot of them now. And in our country there are less than 4 million inhabitants.
IW District 224 Romania-Moldova, which I manage consists of only 4 clubs. 2 in Romania and 2 in Moldova. District account in Romania. I am in Moldova now.
Het IW district dat deze oproep voor hulp doet, bestaat uit 2 Roemeense clubs en 2 Moldavische clubs. De vier clubs werken nauw samen, ook financieel, en bieden hulp waar ze kunnen. Je kunt het broodnodige geld overmaken naar:
- Bank: MICB, S “Vasile Alecsandri”
- Valuta: Euro
- IDNP: 0971112424665
- IBAN: MD94ML000002259A67167361
- Naam: Tatyana BORZOVA
- adres: Strada Stefan cel Mare, Nr 28, postal code 600360, Bacau, Romania
- IBAN:RO38INGB0000999912239687